Day after Day

Alone on a hill,

The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.

Fill your head with something else, she said. That’s the only thing you can do.

So he filled his head with sandwiches and drinks and Beatles songs

From morning to night he closed his brain to everything else

His customers would order off the Set Menu – A, B or C?

He liked it that way. Keep it simple

Up at sunrise, down at sunset. The more time asleep the better.

He still sees her sometimes, in the distance. He wonders if she’s happy.

Plain cheese or tuna? Tea, coffee or juice?

It’s been a hard day’s night

Says the reel to reel in the corner – I mean, really, who has one of those these days?

Tea, coffee or juice?


Tea, coffee or juice?


How can this be lost in translation?


Sees the sun going down

And the eyes in his head see the world spinning round.

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