
Technically, it’s Spring, although it doesn’t feel yet as though the weather has settled on that. There was snow last week, then rain, then temperatures in the 60s but now back to the 30s. Something in the air has changed though. There are daffodils and snowdrops in the woods at the back of the house. I don’t always have to wear a coat when I leave the house.

I’ve started to think about gardening. I’ve tried a few vegetables and herbs over the last few years, with varied success. It seems like a big investment for little return, but perhaps that’s because I’m not very good at it. I wonder what it means to be good at it. Is it that I don’t commit to it in the right way? Perhaps I don’t do enough research and don’t have enough knowledge to see it through effectively enough. This year, I was thinking I would skip it – accept that it’s not my thing. But somehow, I’ve been drawn back to it again and now that the temperatures are creeping up I’m feeling the urge to plant seeds. Yesterday I bought a book and did some research online. I have a plan for two medium “Veg Trugs” and a “Herb Box.” There’s something so lovely about cooking and being able to pick herbs fresh from the garden. It is an investment though, both financially and in terms of time. The next month should see our fencing job finally completed. I think that’s part of it – the realisation that I will be able to be out in the back yard with the dogs off leash.

I’m teetering on the edge, looking at my plans and books and calculations for how much this is going to cost, wondering if I can see the commitment through.

Watch this space…

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